Academic life takes its toll on every individual. Now yours truly has been pursuing academics for more than 25 years...Wow..that's too much ..!!! The common student starts his/her academic life at the age of three years old and that saga goes on till about 25 or so. I am counting in years of kindergarten, primary, secondary, higher secondary, college, Grad school if any... and ya you reach something near 25....!!! quarter life invested in academics already...Sometimes I wonder is it worth all that effort..most of the techie millionaires made cool products and truck loads of money without even completing their bachelor's degree.
Anyways all the frustration for this blog stemmed from an incident that happened today. Mom happened to ask me a very trivial question (absolutely not trivial for me) " Mone, when will you finish your PhD??" Apparently all my relatives have been asking what I have been upto in the US of A. My parents are concerned about the duration of my PhD, which has been only 4 years to be precise. I got off into a discussion explaining the nuances of a PhD, it's not examination oriented but research oriented...blah blah...research is such a painstaking procedure that follows Murphy's Law....all the wrong things happen on the important demo on and so forth...more blah blah..Finally mom chose to change the topic and that saved me. But how can I convince my mom otherwise that my graduation date is determined by my prof and not me, if he's happy I graduate...
Anyways life's like that..incidents like this motivate you to get closer to your preferred graduation deadline...!!!!
PS: I need to have a drink to drown my woes of spending three years doing my PhD, now that mom reminded me about it...and ya what a nice reason to have a drink on Tuesday...!!!!
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