Saturday, July 09, 2011

Connect Airport Express as WDS relay to DD-WRT Linksys

Recently I got an Airport Express (Late 2010) running 7.5.2 firmware version. I wanted to connect the Airport Express using it's LAN port to my TV thereby enabling the internet on the TV. 

I googled around and came to 3 links:
1. Old download squad link
2. rgbdream link
3. DD-WRT link

I followed couple of the steps from the 2nd link and have described it below:

I. DD-WRT (Save settings after each step)
1. Connect to your DD-WRT router using an ethernet cable and change the Wireless security setting to WEP. Select the 26-bit setting and generate the key. Please copy this and save it for connecting to the DD-WRT router later.
2.  Wireless -> Basic Settings Set the channel on the DD-WRT to 1.
3. Wireless -> WDS: Select LAN option and enter the Airport Express's "AirPort ID" (can be found on the underside of the AirPort Express itself - be careful not to choose the "Ethernet ID"). I also named it as "AX"
4. Set Lazy WDS and WDS subnet to disable
5. Administration -> Management: Set Loopback to disable.
6. Security -> Firewall: Turn off "Block Anonymous Internet Requests."

II. Airport Express settings (Please connect the Airport Express to the DD-WRT router using an ethernet cable till the end)
1. Reset the Airport Express. Unplug the AirPort Express from the power outlet and press and hold the reset button. While still holding down the reset button, plug the device into a power outlet. Hold down the reset button until you see the light flash green four times. Let go of the button and the device will reset itself. Wait the requisite 45 seconds and configure it with the AirPort Express Assistant or AirPort Admin Utility. Instructions 
2. Click on "Manual Setup" after you see your Airport Express in the Airport Utility.
3. Airport -> Base Station -> Give your Airport Express a name (use the same one you entered in the DD-WRT WDS page. (step 3 from DD-WRT settings)
4. Airport -> Wireless -> Wireless mode -> Select "Participate in a WDS network"
5. Select the Wireless network you are connecting to and this should be the same as the one on the DD-WRT setup.
6. Radio mode -> Select 802.11 b/g compatible mode. Once this is done, you can copy the 26-bit key generated by the DD-WRT.
7. Select the same channel.
8. Airport -> WDS -> Select "WDS Relay" as the WDS mode.
9. Enter the Wireless MAC ID from the DD-WRT to the WDS Main field.

Click Update and the Airport Express should flicker from orange to green. You can unplug the ethernet cable from the Airport Express and now use the Airport Express as a WDS relay.